Spin Welding Machine


Spin welding machine is generally used to weld two round thermoplastic work pieces. During welding, one workpiece is fixed on the bottom mold, and the other workpiece rotates on the surface of the fixed workpiece.  Because there is a certain amount of pressure acting on the two workpieces, the heat generated by the friction between the workpieces can melt the contact surface of the two workpieces and form a forbidden and closed bond. The positioning rotation melting is rotated at the set time and stopped at the set position instantly  

spin welding machine for play balls, spin welder for thermos cup, spin welding machine for filter element


1. Most suitable for welding sphere and cylinder plastic pieces of any size.

2. Most suitable for welding thermoplastics with low hear conductivity.

3. Cost effective and secure.

4. It is easy to set up and operate.

5. Can be configured to manual, semi-automated, or fully- automated

6. high torque, high efficiency

7.variable time can be adjusted arbitrarily

8. operation is easy

9. water-tight and air-tight can be achieved


Spin welder is suitable for welding of tube-like or round shape products (PE/PP/PET/Nylon) Such as engine filter bowl,filter,float gage, ice cup, thermos cup, filter cup, carburetor, thermos bottle gas bladder, water spray joint and other water-tight, air-tight products.

Post time: May-27-2022